
Getting Dentures

Dentures are a way to restore both smile and function. They have been around for a long time but are better today than ever. Options include both removable and fixed dentures, partial dentures, and implants. Our team at Charisma Dental has experience with all of those so you have many choices!

Removable Dentures Aren't Like Grandpa's

Most people think of removable dentures when they are considering artificial teeth. These are those that are taken out at night for sleep and cleaning. The difference in modern removable dentures is they are more customized to fit your gums so they don’t move and slide like those used by your grandparents. They look more natural too.

Dentures Using Implants

Newer techniques include installing fixed or permanent dentures. They are dentures that are installed using implant posts so you never take them out. They are, for all purposes, like your natural teeth. This ensures you have all the tooth functions you had before and don’t have to worry about removing them nightly. You brush and clean them like your own teeth.
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Partial Dentures

Partial dentures replace more than one missing tooth. They are affixed in the mouth typically by using crowns and attachments to surrounding teeth. They look natural and provide for good tooth function that you lost when you lost some of your teeth.

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Don't Be Embarrassed

Missing teeth happen for a number of reasons with the most common being gum disease and tooth decay. Our staff at Charisma Dental won't judge you but want to help you regain both tooth function and your smile! We can provide you with compassionate care that will help you regain both your oral health and confidence.